Wednesday, June 04, 2008

going through a metal phase...

so as of late i've been revisiting some old metal favorites as well as checking out some new stuff. I'm pretty sure that the people that read this (if there are any) won't give a shit about any of this, but it's cathartic so fuck off. Also, if you "hate" metal this might be the time to reconsider.

With that said here is video one. It's from my favorite metal album of all time Arcturus' "The Sham Mirrors." I couldn't find the video of my favorite track (Collapsed Generation) so this will have to do. The song is "Ad Absurdum" and it's badass and avant garde.

Next up we have a relatively new band (within the last 8 years or so) called Arsis. This song is called "The Cold Resistance." Watch this dude play guitar, it's insane.

This next band is what we in the metal know call Black Metal and it's totally killer if done well. Here is Immortal with "Sons of Norther Darkness."

Boris may very well be the best stoner metal band on the face of the earth. I can't begin to tell you how much I love them. Here's "Kurosou" from the album Heavy Rocks.

Next is the infamous Neurosis. Few bands have had the impact on their genre that Neurosis have, and this video shows us why. This is a live version of "Locust Star" from the album Through Silver In Blood.

Finally we have a band that have been making a decent name for themselves over the past three years, Lair of the Minotaur. This is what happens when stoners mix death and thrash. Here's "War Metal Battle Master."

I hope someone out there enjoyed this little distraction.

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